Do i have heel pain/plantar fasciitis | Podform3D

Do i have heel pain/plantar fasciitis

Do i have heel pain/plantar fasciitis

Introduction to Plantar Fasciitis 

Heel pain is more common than you think! 

If you think you are the only person suffering from heel pain, think again!
One in ten people will suffer from an episode of this type of problem in their lifetime. It is the most common foot condition in North America.

I am Dr Antonin Bérubé, podiatrist, member of the Ordre des podiatres du Québec, and founder of PodForm3D. I wrote this guide to assist you throughout your rehabilitation by providing you with quality information and the tools necessary for your body to be able to optimize what it is best at: getting back on foot!

no heel pain

After reading this guide, you will understand the origin of your heel pain, you will know the steps to take to help you get better, and you will be able to take concrete actions yourself to heal quickly.

THE GOAL: to allow you to return to your daily activities as soon as possible and without pain! Good reading! 

Am I affected? Is this really my problem?

If you think you have plantar fasciitis, you are probably right! In fact, 80% of people with heel pain suffer from plantar fasciitis!

In most cases, plantar fasciitis is characterized by a sharp pain in the heel felt immediately during the first steps taken out of bed in the morning. The pain subsides after a few steps, but it is still present and the discomfort is felt throughout the day and during long periods of standing.

Looking for the most effective orthotics insoles for plantar fasciitis? CLICK HERE

Many athletes, for example, runners, develop this pain as a result of high-intensity training. The pain you feel is more intense when you resume training after a period of rest and gradually dissipates during exercise and then returns when you are finished exercising. In medical jargon, this phenomenon is called post-static dyskinesia, which means pain caused by movement after a period of inactivity.

runner heel pain

 Pain is usually absent when you are sitting or resting. It affects the underside of the heel more frequently, but it can sometimes radiate into the arch of the foot at various points along the path of the plantar fascia. The plantar fascia is this long elastic that runs along the bottom of the foot and helps support the curvature and close the plantar arch. It attaches to the heel bone, the calcaneus, and ends at the front of your foot.